Aman Jabbi has a master’s degree in chemistry and electrical engineering. He has worked in the high-tech industry for twenty-five years and is the founder of two camera startups using facial-recognition technology. Recently, he has been educating the public about the significance of the intense roll out of data-collection infrastructure during the COVID lockdowns. Often, this infrastructure is correctly analyzed and critiqued in terms of surveillance, as a violation of the right to privacy. Which it is. But it is far more ominous than that. The real danger is that the foundations are presently being laid for the Great Reset, transhumanism, and the metaverse. Whatever you call the vision of the architects of the newest world order, it is best that we understand how it is being implemented right before our eyes.

The primary concern is data collection. (Forgive me for repeating this ad nauseam in what follows.) The surveillance architecture being constructed everywhere through public-private partnerships is laying the groundwork for totalitarianism. But what kind of totalitarianism? All of the data being collected (and it is mind-boggling) is feeding AI. The metaverse is the real endpoint. So, whenever you read or think about “surveillance,” substitute “data collection.”

Smart phones use facial-recognition technology to unlock for use by a dedicated user. The technology works by projecting tens of thousands of dots of light and then photographing (digitizing) the resulting distortion pattern caused by the contours of your face. When the phone verifies that the pattern corresponds to your face, it unlocks. Each face creates a unique pattern of reflected points of light that can be digitized and fed into a database. While the technology has been marketed in terms of individual convenience, security, and privacy, it is easy to see how, in the aggregate, it is serving a much larger agenda. Once your unique facial-recognition “fingerprint” is known, you can now be identified and followed everywhere that the technology exists. Maybe you assumed that this security feature was just between you and your smartphone. But, if you had known that your “faceprint” was going to be fed into a universal database, would you have accepted the feature? Especially if that database was going to contain unlimited data about every other aspect of your life, collected through public and private sources and creating your “digital twin?” Your digital twin is the “you” that is the sum of all the data you generate. While you exist in the real world, your digital twin is the theoretical “you” that exists only in AI. It is that “you” that poses an existential threat to the actual, living you. Multiply that by seven billion.

The facial-recognition cameras that are now ubiquitous in our public spaces are being justified in terms of the need to monitor criminals: again, safety and security. That obscures the real purpose of the surveillance architecture: data collection. Data in digital form can be fed into the cloud to build the metaverse, a model of the earth and everything on it that can be used to predict and to program desired outcomes. Desired by whom? To what end? The problem is fundamental: the notion that humans (or human-created AI) can control the complex systems that make up the earth is ludicrous. However, in all areas – from the climate to genomics to social systems – some people have positioned themselves to take the reins. The very idea would scare the hell out of me. But some people think that they are qualified to take over the management of the entire planet and its biosphere. Imagine the resumé!

Our world is increasingly digital by design. Government agencies and ministries are dedicated to accelerating the process of digitalization. To digitize something is to record it in digital form. You can digitize a printed document by converting it to pdf. You can digitize your old photographs and videos and store them in that new format. Meanwhile, digitalization refers to a process, or business model, whereby everything is digitized. And, if you stop to consider this global process, our world has been digitalizing for decades. All written and photographic documents – articles, books, images – have been digitized and now replace the old analogue sources. So, both the private and public spaces have been digitalized. You and I are being digitized: right now.

We are all aware that China is now a surveillance society where facial-recognition cameras track every citizen. Outside and inside, on street posts and streetlights, cameras are the eyes of the state on the population. Chinese have an app on their smartphones that gives them their social-credit score. Jabbi claims that this architecture has created a very compliant population. This framing, he says, always implies that the West is free whereas China is a surveillance state. What’s the truth?

As of February 2022, the USA had installed more facial-recognition cameras than China. The United States has fifty million cameras installed and connected to the internet. London, England, is leading the world as a digital prison, with seventy-three cameras for every thousand people.

So, the infrastructure is already in place in the West and it’s expanding. By the end of 2022, there will be one billion surveillance cameras installed worldwide. That’s what we’ve been doing during the lockdowns. Jabbi says that nearly seven trillion dollars is earmarked to develop this infrastructure by 2030.

Jabbi tries to get us to understand that these are not primarily surveillance cameras; they are intended to be data-collection devices. But the public facial-recognition cameras are only the tip of the iceberg. Twenty times more data is being collected by devices in our homes and on our phones. All of this data is conceived to feed AI. Once upon a time, actual humans would watch surveillance footage. That is no longer the case. All of this data is being fed into AI. Artificial Intelligence is reading all of the data that the system is collecting. You are almost never alone now. Algorithms are judging you.

Jabbi says that, five or six years ago, he starting hearing, in the venture capital world, the term “Internet of Eyes” to describe the pervasiveness of cameras. For instance, most high-end cars now have about sixteen cameras. Whenever you’re using devices from Big Tech, you’re feeding it data that is creating the digital prison that we are headed towards. The data that is being collected is digitized. In Ontario and Canada, ministries have been established to register our lives as the aggregate of bits of digitalized data. Anything that can be recorded in digital form on the blockchain is being added. Governments are working with private businesses to give birth to this new world. We all have a digital twin – a digitized version of the real, flesh-and-blood being that we are – with a history of millions of bits of data. But everything is twinned, including the earth itself. The metaverse is a simulation of reality. How that simulation is intended to be used is the problem.

The conspirators have been pushing the idea of SMART cities for years. (SMART stands for Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting System.) SMART lights and SMART poles are the node points for this new vision of SMART cities. However, these poles are not being installed exclusively in urban settings. Rural areas that have never had street lights are suddenly being equipped with LED lights, at tremendous cost and with no apparent benefits to the citizens. They are being sold to the public (and perhaps to easily-persuaded city councillors) as poles that can be fitted with all kinds of devices for security and safety purposes.

What bells and whistles do they offer to cities all over the world? They are used for radar and facial-recognition cameras; loud speakers able to instruct citizens in the course of endless crises; LED screens can be easily installed to give written instructions; many of the lampposts have charging stations on the top for policing drones. Those drones will be equipped with lidar technology as well as cameras.

As already noted, Jabbi had developed facial-recognition cameras for smartphones. They use diffusers so that the light doesn’t harm the user as it verifies his identity. However, the light from the SMART streetlights doesn’t use diffusers. It is blue light in the range of 450 to 480 nanometres. It is a danger to the health of all animals. Jabbi reports that there are new types of lights being installed in Canada with LED incapacitators. (He has evidence of their installation in Alberta.) America’s Department of Homeland Security funded the development of this technology in 2007. They are commonly known as puke rays. By quickly changing the frequencies of light that they project, they cause intracranial pressure, spinal damage, sickness, and, ultimately, death. These kinds of technologies are being installed all over the world.

The World Economic Forum agenda is based on digital identity. Everything will need an identity in their Great Reset of life on earth. Not only humans, but everything will be represented by a digital twin in the world under construction. Altogether, the earth will be represented by a computer model, a digital-twin earth.

Algorithms will be able to predict and even control all life on earth. Not simply your life, but the direction of the planet. It only sounds silly if you don’t understand the hubris of the architects.

At this point, we need to understand how digital currencies, or CBDCs, fit into the totalitarian system being deployed so deviously. Our Digital Identity is now being constructed through vaccine passports and facial-recognition technology. In fact, they are building it around us as we go about our daily lives. This Digital Identity (DI) will be the “password” that opens your access to anything that you want or need (healthcare, bank account, food, logging in to social platforms, etc.). Jabbi thinks your face will be the key that unlocks your access to all of life. So, he thinks facial recognition is the key. He may be right, but it is also possible that they are attempting to install our DI in our bodies through the vaccine that can’t possibly be designed to neutralize a virus that doesn’t exist.

In any case, your DI unlocks your access to the digital currency. Remember that digital currencies herald the end of cash. Your freedom in society will be limited by your compliance with directives that control your social credit. Your DI is your prison – it has nothing to do with your true identity.

Jabbi has insights into how his facial-recognition technology is being used and where we are heading. A concept called Zero Trust is being promoted by the foot soldiers of the Great Reset. Zero Trust changes your access to goods and services from Implicit Allow to Default Deny. With Implicit Allow, you have been able to access sites and applications once you have logged on to the Internet. However, with Default Deny, a camera is always on and scanning your face to authenticate your identity through facial recognition and, then, allow you access to individual applications. Under the Zero Trust regime, your life is a series of locks. You can gain access if they say so. This system of conditional access to goods and services will be implemented through smart contracts and Central Bank Digital Currencies. Are your vaccinations up to date? Many start-up companies are specializing in managing Identity as a Service (IDaaS.) These companies are making money in real time by looking at faces. Each time your face is in front of a camera, a number of companies are making money. Jabbi makes a good case that the future rests on facial-recognition technology.

Where is this headed? The world is being geofenced. Where you can go and whom you can communicate with will depend on your digital identity. Look at the way that your information is controlled through social media. YouTube decides what you can post. Through shadow banning, they can determine who can see what you post as a comment. Or, they can cancel you outright. When they don’t want people to see your defence of any argument, they simply shut you down at that point. We really have to understand that YouTube is the future. Imagine a world where everything you say, everyone you speak with, every store you enter, everything you buy or sell is controlled through algorithms built on the basis of data collected throughout your life. I hope you’re pleasing them.

The Digital Identity on blockchain is the cornerstone of total control over your life, based on your compliance with diktats out of your control. It accumulates data from your birth onwards. Maybe you are a new parent and have a Talk Pedometer from LENA. AI will be listening to you as you talk to your child. (But all devices will be listening to you and feeding data to the cloud.) Your score as a parent will be increased or decreased depending on what you’re teaching your kid. And your child’s score will be determined by how she interacts with other children on We Play Smart, where she is being constantly monitored. She will be channelled in life depending on how she pleases the algorithms.

This data-collection regime isn’t in our future; our educational system has been implementing this for generations already. To understand how deeply this agenda has penetrated the educational system, I recommend following the research of Alison McDowell. Like McDowell, Jabbi understands that the data-collection regime under construction is intended to feed social impact investing. Both the World Economic Forum and the US Department of State see universal, global access to the Internet as central to their plans. The Internet is to be governed by stakeholders. Their vision of Internet for All “establishes and facilitates physical and digital platforms at the global, regional and national level, that will create hundreds of millions of new internet users, with a focus on the hardest to reach.” Why does the WEF want to impose the Internet on all of humanity? Who will benefit from this intrusion? The Internet for All “brings together stakeholders from the public and private sectors, non-profits, academia, international organizations, donors and civil society to create multi-stakeholder partnerships to achieve the following: Develop impactful partnerships; Accelerate innovations; Coordinate investments; Strengthen the policy and regulatory environment: Align programmes.”

So, if you haven’t accepted the latest booster for the latest pandemic, the universal, global Internet will not open its doors to you. And neither will goods and services wherever you may be.

The infrastructure for this future is being laid right now. Where are the cameras going up? (Everywhere in public and private spaces.) Who is funding this? Who is behind this? Jabbi is trying to impress the legislators in his home state of Montana that the work of facial-recognition is not being carried out by governments, but by private companies. This is a key insight. It sheds light on the role of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset. This agenda is conceived in terms of public-private partnerships.

Just look at where the cameras are being installed and how many of them there are. That’s the infrastructure for this future. He’s trying to explain to the Montana legislators that facial recognition will not be done by the government, but by private companies. Everywhere. Therefore, he says, the only way to deal with this is to take on (refuse) the smart city infrastructure. How many cameras are being installed in your neighbourhood? Who’s funding it?

Whether you’re in a private or public space, you’re being recorded all the time and it’s related to the digital ID.

For instance, Peter Thiel’s (of Paypal infamy) Clearview AI aims to have 100 billion facial recognition data points. It’s said to be for crime prevention, but it’s actually intended to feed AI and digital ID.

His bottom line is that once we accept digital identity, our societies are dead. While unlimited money is going into computing power, we have the power to withhold our data. AI is the Beast. The Beast needs food. The food is Data. Data is digitized and is passed along through 5G, camera facial recognition, cellphones, and all devices are the data conduits. We have to prevent our data from getting to AI through the smart city infrastructure.

Next, I’ll look at how Toronto critics and activists defeated Google’s attempt to transform the city’s eastern port into a smart city. The same people are still active exposing the province’s digital agenda.