The Rouleau Commission (Public Order Emergency Commission) finally tabled its report on the Canadian government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to end the Freedom Convoy protest last year. It concludes that the government was justified in invoking the Act.

The Emergencies Act was passed through Parliament in 1988. It has been invoked only once so far, to give the government extraordinary powers to end the protest in Ottawa in 2022. That invocation was reviewed by the government, as required by the Act. Government, government, government.


Only the people can hold the government accountable. The people must judge the laws passed by government. When the government passes a law (Parliament), and then enforces that law (Cabinet), and then judges the equity of that enforcement (Judiciary), you live in a state of tyranny. Totalitarian.

All societies govern by their Justice System, regardless of time or place, race, culture, religion, background or nationality. The power to punish carries with it ALL power. It remains a universal criterion of justice that the validity and justice of laws and all acts of their enforcement require to be judged not by those who make and enforce the laws (government), but by those who voluntarily agree to abide by the laws (all adult citizens).

Democracy Defined

The cure for despotism, which is our current political situation, is to be found in our authentic constitution. I do not mean the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which we are told is the foundation of our constitution. I mean the Magna Carta of 1215. That is the founding constitution of England and Canada. And, until we reclaim it, we live in a state of tyranny.

The principle of the Magna Carta is simple. A sovereign people judges their government. The government does not judge the people. This can only be realized through Trial by Jury, the key mechanism of any democracy. The Jury must be random, with the jurists chosen by lot. In that way, the Jury will represent a cross section of the population. And the Jury must judge both the case before it and the law itself. Only a Jury can validate a law through a finding of guilty. A Jury also has the duty to strike down an unjust law. That is known as Nullification by Jury.

Those are the rules of the game, the rules of governance that we all inherit by virtue of being born here. King John accepted those rules (the Articles of the Barons) in 1215. The Magna Carta simply codified the Law of the Land as it had existed since time immemorial. The Law of the Land was also called the Common Law. King John accepted the Magna Carta in the name of his heirs in perpetuity. No monarch can reverse the rules of governance. All laws passed by governments are statutes. None has the force of the Magna Carta with its founding principle: the power to judge the government rests with the people through Trial by Jury.

Any and all statutes (laws) are accepted or rejected by the Jury, the people. But the government, that passes laws, cannot nullify the Magna Carta.

Since the English monarch is the head of state of Canada, we Canadians retain the same power over our government as the Barons exercised over King John. And that principle was not invented, but merely articulated by King John and the Barons. It was, again, recognized as the fundamental rule of governance. Defenders of despotism have gone to great lengths to confuse us on this point. They need to erase the Magna Carta from our consciousness. They need us to believe that we are not sovereign, both as individuals and as populations, over the government.

During the Freedom Convoy last year as well as the Emergencies Act Inquiry now before us, we Canadians were able to see the perversion that ensues when an illegitimate government tries to change the rules of the game in its favour. The rules of governance must be accepted by the governed. No government can write the rules of governance and then impose them on the people. In fact, that is what happened in 1982 when the Trudeau government repatriated the constitution and tried to eliminate the key mechanism of Common Law: Trial by Jury. The government tried to pull a fast one on Canadians. It enumerated a list of rights and freedoms that it then took away in 2022. However, it had no authority to erase the Magna Carta. Queen Elizabeth II had no power to renege on the deal made by King John in 1215.

Why is this important now? Because we are headed towards global tyranny. It can only be realized if people everywhere concede the power that they have over their governments by virtue of Natural Law. Natural Law is another way of saying that humans are free by nature. Humans cannot be subjugated by a government. The people must maintain power over their government. The new rules of governance are being written by institutions unaccountable to the people. In fact, the new despots are so far removed from the people that we don’t even know who they are and what they are doing.

Who is actually writing the rules that the WHO is trying to impose on humans everywhere? It doesn’t matter, because, when they ask me through a Trial by Jury, I will nullify them, unless the other Jurors can persuade me of their fairness and necessity. And the next iteration of Trudeau, the son of the Trudeau who thought he could override the Magna Carta, cannot speak for me. He doesn’t know it, but I have the power to judge him and his government. No government ever had the authority to erase the rules of governance. And, by virtue of Natural Law, the Law of the Land, no government ever will.