Evidence is piling up that the graphene-based formulations in the covid vaccines are killing people. La Quinta Columna has become a hub of information. People are sending evidence to that group from all over, especially the Spanish-speaking world.

Today, they presented an extraordinary short video from a CCTV camera. A young, seemingly fit man is cycling and comes to a stop as he waits for the traffic to clear before crossing the street. The incident is captured on a CCTV camera. But there is a glitch in the CCTV footage. The image is disrupted for an instant. It jostles. It would appear that an electromagnetic pulse of some frequency interfered with the recording for a split second. At that exact instant (I mean exact), the young man falls off of his bike onto the ground. Dead. In an instant. Young. Active. I would have said invulnerable.

What happened? The two pieces of evidence come to us as one. The most obvious explanation is that the electromagnetic pulse that disrupted the CCTV footage for an instant also affected the heart of the unfortunate young man. It interfered with both electrical systems at the same time. Exactly the same time. The young man, I’m assuming, was vaccinated/graphenated.

The families who lost their loved ones in the Astroworld tragedy should take note. Young, healthy, fit people don’t just die of heart attacks. At least, they never have. But they do now. Athletes are dropping like flies as they test their newly-graphenated hearts against the exigencies of physical exertion and random, unpredictable electromagnetic pulses.

There must be countless recordings of traffic incidents captured on CCTV cameras. Would the people who have access to that footage kindly look to see if there is a glitch in the recording at the moment of the accident or incident? In other words, did an electromagnetic pulse that jostled the image coincide with the event? Can its frequency be determined?

We’re in this alone. The people who have access to this material cannot rely on the goodwill and morality of their bosses. They have to blow the whistle themselves. Everywhere.

It would be ironic should the coming metaverse (transhumanism, Artificial General Intelligence, Fourth Industrial Revolution) be brought down by the very technology on which it relies to succeed. But, there’s a very good chance that these globalist transhumanists will be hoisted on their own petard.