The first step is to determine how many of the vaccinated have been transformed into devices. So, every vaccinated person needs to verify their status. People need to check their family and friends to ascertain their situation. Download the Bluetooth app to your cell phone or find somebody who already has. Bluetooth identifies all devices with a MAC (media access control) address in the immediate vicinity. A MAC address is installed by manufacturers to allow the device to connect to a network.

The working theory is that no one has been vaccinated against a non-existent virus called SARS-CoV-2, claimed to cause a non-existent disease called COVID-19. Instead, the main purpose of the vaccines is to prepare all human beings for the Internet of Everything. The vaccinated are being injected with materials able to generate a MAC address. The nanoparticles in the vaccine are able to self-assemble inside your body. That is the purpose of the graphene-oxide compounds discovered in the vials. By interacting with your genetic markers, the vaccines are able to construct a MAC address that is unique to you. Wherever you go, you will be tracked by the network, the Internet. You have been caught, literally, in a Web. Since graphene-oxide is a biosensor, it will be doing much more than tracking your movements. It will be directly communicating with the Internet of Everything, sending and receiving messages. These technologies already exist.

So, you aren’t vaccinated, but, rather, MACinated. You have been assigned a MAC address. Like your television, phone, computer, car, and so on, you are a device in the world under construction.

Go with a friend to a field or an empty parking lot. Make sure that you have no electronic devices with you. Activate the Bluetooth app. What happens? If it registers one device, take note of the code, (the address). Then walk away from your friend who is still holding the cell phone. When does the phone stop registering that MAC address? At that point, walk in and out of the field to check that the unique address appears and disappears in conjunction with your proximity. Then, back at home, see if your Bluetooth will always register you (that address) as one of the devices available for connection.

If you find that you have indeed been MACinated, then you will have to do whatever is necessary to detoxify. I hope it goes without saying that you will refuse all future MACines.

The research that has been carried out so far strongly supports this hypothesis. I’m going to continue this short essay on the assumption that it is correct, in keeping with the cautionary principle.

It is not beyond the realm of possibilities that the cowardly conspirators behind this will attempt to seduce children into believing that it is cool to be part of the Web. They may be planning that campaign. In fact, I think that the flood of superhuman movies, games, and cartoons over the last decades may have been preparing the ground. Surely you want to have superhuman abilities.

Anti-vaxxer = human

Vaccinated = MACinated = device = slave

The MACinated are handing the controls of their body, mind, and soul over to people who haven’t had the courage to explain what they’re up to and why. They have got this far by deception. They haven’t listed graphene as an ingredient in the vaccines. Why? What were they hiding? The deceptions and outright lies of Operation Covid are breathtaking. But you only need to catch them lying once to be wary. This one is a whopper: there is a toxin in the vaccine that they never told you about. My elderly neighbour says that you don’t need to drink the whole ocean to know that it’s salt water. Just one taste is enough.

Taking or refusing the vaccine cannot be understood as a matter of personal choice. By handing your being over to these conspirators, you are dooming the human species to subservience. To enslavement. You cannot sell your children into slavery. So, perform the simple Bluetooth experiment before you take one more step.

Why are these cowards in the shadows pushing so hard to MACinate everything that moves? Ask yourself. There is no virus. A non-existent virus cannot cause a disease. However, a MACine can, and is, causing enormous suffering and death.

By the way, this is not a medical issue. People around me keep looking to medical doctors for answers. They have no training in bioengineering, robotics, nanotechnology, graphene poisoning. But they had better learn fast how to treat their patients suffering from the toxic effects of the poison that they promoted.

For the time being, determine if you have generated a MAC address. If so, you’ll have to figure out how to respond.