What do we know? In other words, what are the facts in evidence in this case?
We know that no government agency, no university nor private laboratory anywhere in the world has isolated, purified, and genetically sequenced a SARS-CoV-2 virus. Since the whole vaccine program is said to be based on manipulating our cells to manufacture a segment of a protein of that virus, this void is fatal to the whole narrative. If they can’t identify the virus in the first place, how can they program our bodies to reproduce a fragment of it?
We know that governments around the world are becoming increasingly aggressive and even violent in their goal of vaccinating everybody. Every single human being. It looks like the heads of state are under pressure from their bosses to get the job done no matter the consequences. Why? It can’t be to roll out the vaccine passports, because they could do that with or without vaccinating people. They could simply issue passports that respect any and all exemptions that people claim. (“You don’t want the vaccine because you think Trudeau is an asshole. No problem, that’s the hundredth of that exemption we’ve processed here today. Anyway, here’s your passport. Now you can re-enter society.”) No, the vaccines themselves are at the centre of this monumental crime.
What’s in the vaccines? That, in my estimation, is the fundamental question. What do our governments, who are in all cases acting as the marketing agents for the pharmaceutical companies, know about the vaccines that are being administered?
One of the members of Doctors for Covid Ethics submitted an FOI request to the Australian government in February 2021, asking whether the Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia’s regulatory body, equivalent to Health Canada or the FDA in the USA) had asked Pfizer for the raw data from the trials, whether any members of the committee that authorized the vaccine had looked at that data, and to identify the “studies” referred to in the TGA’s approval relating to the risk of harm to a fetus.
After much feigned confusion over the documentation requested, the Australian government finally confirmed, four months later, that it had neither requested nor received the patient data from Pfizer. The TGA simply trusted the word of Pfizer (a convicted serial felon) regarding its trial data. But the head of the TGA assured Australians that the evidence from Pfizer was “pretty thorough.” (How did he know if he’d never seen it?) As to the potential harm to a fetus, the only document that TGA was able to produce was a study of rats with no long-term data. While its relevance was probably dubious in any case, it was ninety-eight percent redacted. (Why was the Australian government protecting the identity of Pfizer’s rats?)
We (those of us who actually care) have all seen the terrifying totalitarian measures being implemented in Australia presently. You must now listen to Premiers Andrews and Palaszczuk with the full knowledge that they have no scientific or medical basis for their tyrannical edicts. Something else is afoot, upon which I will expound shortly.
Doctors for Covid Ethics submitted a similar FOI request to the MHRA in England asking for:
“1. Any documents requesting access from the sponsor [Pfizer and AstraZeneca] to the raw data (patient-level anonymised data or equivalent patient-level data).
“2. Confirmation as to whether the MHRA holds the patient-level data (approximately 70,000 records) from these applications or whether these were restricted from access or assessment by the sponsor. If they were supplied, the format in which these records were supplied and how they were hosted at the MHRA (e.g. Paper, or electronic database – specify format such as MySQL, MsSQL databases, csv, excel files).
“3. Any documents confirming that a process for analysing the raw data from the sponsor was undertaken, and the results of that process (e.g. meeting minutes or equivalent) including the qualifications (and names if appropriate) of the committee (if any) which has undertaken the review of the raw data.”
What do you think the British government replied? They had neither asked for nor received any data, nor even discussed the scientific legitimacy of the vaccine trials or their potential harm to the British public.
Do you smell a rat yet?
It is not possible that public servants charged with protecting the health of actual people would not have asked a convicted felon (with a history of falsifying trial data and experimenting on human subjects against their knowledge) for the trial data. It is not possible that public servants would not have carefully examined that data and conducted their own trials, after identifying and sequencing the alleged pathogen. Instead, we are witnessing an unbelievable lack of curiosity among all public officials. They are protected from the public, who are the victims of their misfeasance in public office (a serious felony in Canadian law), by the media cartel that has dulled the brains of Canadians to the point where they don’t seem to know that there are questions to ask. The dullest among us are on the lookout for people whose thinkers are still working.
Given that: What is in the vaccines?
There is more and more evidence that the vaccines are not at all about a spike protein or alleviating symptoms of a theoretical virus. (Whether or not there is a synthetic spike protein in the vaccines is probably irrelevant to their main purpose.) The vaccines serve as a shield for the rollout of 5G, which the conspirators know will cause great harm and death among populations everywhere. Since the rollout is taking place on a global scale, they needed a global pandemic. The 5G system is not simply intended to support an Internet of Things, but an Internet of Bodies: that’s us. The military-intelligence complex, supported by their paid proxies in the “private” tech sector, have long seen this new telecommunications network as the ultimate control mechanism. They needed biosensors inside every human being on earth in order to control them. It’s not the vaccine passport; it’s the vaccine.
So, the thesis I’m proposing is that there are two mechanisms of harm afoot. One is the documented dangers of 5G radiation and its harm to all life. The second is the added complication of graphene oxide in humans, designed to interface with the Internet of Things. It is possible that, if indeed all humans are vaccinated, then, only those who somehow can withstand the assault will be left. But they will inherit the world as transhuman things. There is no real life in our future.
Why would our governments not have looked at the trial data or conducted their own experiments? Because they know that there’s no point. Those at the top know that there’s no SARS-CoV-2, no COVID-19, no variants, and, therefore, there can be so significant trial data. There is an injection of graphene oxide and other ingredients whose purpose I suspect only DARPA could help us to understand.