The vaccine against the imaginary SARS-CoV-2 virus is the booby trap. A booby is a species of seabird that is clumsy on land and, consequently, easy to catch. They were known to land on ships where the crew preyed on them. A booby came to mean a stupid, gullible person, easy to scam. So, the vaccine is clearly a booby trap.

The human boobies have now been trapped by the human predators. But it seems that the predators have not yet achieved the critical mass of vaccinated they need in order to roll out the digital passports, based on vaccines. The vaccines are insignificant in the long run. It happens to be the ruse that the predators have chosen to turn actual humans into digital humans, over which they will have total control. (Nazi Germany and China are models.)

Many analysts are emphasizing the need for authorities to honour vaccine exemptions. We need to understand that, while exemptions are important, they will not affect the predators’ ultimate goal. For instance, if you are granted a religious or medical exemption, you will still get a vaccine passport that declares your status. The passport is the goal. It is the passport that will turn you into a slave, whether or not you were vaccinated. It is the passport (whatever they call it) that can be programmed to give or refuse access to everything. They will be able to control you and your descendants, if they allow you to procreate, forever after.

The medical arm of the global predator class has been assigned the leading role in global conquest, for the moment. Those who think that doctors would never betray their trust need a crash course in Big Pharma and its control of the medical industry. Here are two quick considerations for those who need to clear that hurdle.

Look at the two letters that I wrote to the Mississauga city councillors and mayor months ago. In the first, I show that the doctors of the Ontario Hospital Association, in their attempt to force nurses to accept the annual flu vaccine against their will, tried to mandate face masks for those who chose to refuse the shot. At two separate arbitration hearings, the latest in 2018, the Ontario Nurses Association (65,000 strong) won against the doctors. They could not be forced to take the vaccine and the doctors were chastised by the arbitrators (after three years of hearings in the second case) for misrepresenting the science. There was no science that showed that face masks stopped the spread of influenza viruses. Most importantly, there was no such thing as asymptomatic transmission. The doctors were willing to lie about the science to force the nurses to be vaccinated. The doctors were called out, in no uncertain terms, for their manipulation of the science. And that is exactly what they are doing now, only against the entire population of Ontario.

If the significance of this history is not obvious enough, here it is again: doctors lied, consistently and continuously, over the course of years of hearings, in their attempt to force nurses to accept a medical procedure – a vaccine – against their will. The doctors were called out for their cynical attempt to coerce the nurses into being vaccinated. The nurses proved that the masks were useless and dangerous for them and that vaccines were not effective. Both judges came to the same conclusion: nurses should simply stay home if they were sick with the flu. That’s what the nurses had been doing.

So, those who believe that doctors would not mislead them are simply ignorant.

In the second letter, I showed the city councillors and mayor of Mississauga that they are being played by Big Pharma. The most obvious evidence is the presentation to Big Pharma insiders by Doctor Marc Van Ranst in 2019, explaining his strategy in 2009 to defraud the entire population of Belgium into believing there was a pandemic when he knew that no such emergency existed. The goal of that hoax was to promote a vaccine that turned out to ruin the lives of the youths who were vaccinated. That, too, is exactly what is happening now.

The doctors of the Ontario Hospital Association were called out for trying to coerce the nurses into accepting a medical procedure (vaccine) against their will. This is a violation of the Nuremberg Code. The Nuremberg trials judged Nazis for crimes committed during the war. One prosecution, named the Doctors’ Trial, judged physicians who had experimented on human subjects, often in concentration camps. Seven of the twenty-three doctors prosecuted were hanged.

Out of that trial came the Nuremberg Code that has been generally accepted as the ethical standard in medical practice. The first principle addresses the need for voluntary, informed consent:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

In 1947, this principle addressed experimentation on human subjects. Since, it has been expanded to refer to all medical interventions. Consequently, the doctors of the Ontario Hospital Association were guilty of violating the Nuremberg Code in their attempt to coerce the nurses to be vaccinated. Keep in mind that this is the same Association that has been telling us that hospitals are overrun and cannot cope with the rising cases. In the autumn of 2020, Public Health Ontario changed its daily covid19 report, removing hospitalizations from the data. The doctors of the Ontario Hospital Association cannot be trusted.

We have, in Ontario, a premier, Doug Ford, who admits that he is deferring to whatever the province’s medical officer of health advises. We have medical officers of health who claim that, at press conferences, they read whatever “they” put in front of them. Doctor Williams has admitted that, in the face of resistance to accept the experimental “vaccines,” the government will use coercive measures against the population. Coercion as public policy is explicitly acknowledged from time to time. Those measures are now being rolled out.

Nazi doctors were hanged for experimenting on the vulnerable.

Our top doctors are experimenting on the general public. They are violating every aspect of the first principle of the Nuremberg Code, cited above. I have not found one person whose doctor cautioned them that this so-called vaccine was an experimental medical procedure that is still in phase three trials. None of the “vaccines” have been approved for use. All are authorized for use under a declared public-health emergency. Every booby who accepts this medical procedure is an experimental subject. That is probably why the emergency order needs to be indefinitely extended.

Nurses, and doctors, everywhere are refusing the experimental “vaccine.” What do they know that you don’t?

Don’t forget that the vaccine is simply the booby trap. You are the booby. Once enough boobies have accepted this procedure, they can roll out the final stage of the vaccine passports, turning us all digital. The vaccines will then be insignificant, because the passports are the goal. The human predators will have conquered us all, trapping all the boobies first. Only boobies will be allowed to operate in society. They will be armed to dispose of the remaining humans.

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