A pattern has emerged during the last twenty months. They lie. We expose the lie. They carry on as if we had said nothing.

Mandated masks. We showed that there was no science to justify masking the population to stop the spread of any infectious disease. Since then, the science has not only reinforced our position, but has shown that masks are damaging to the health of those muzzled. Never mind, mask mandates have strengthened.

Asymptomatic transmission. This one was obviously invented to isolate and, increasingly, criminalize healthy, independent people, who are the greatest threat to the rulers. Healthy people don’t transmit disease; the science is clear and has been reinforced over the last year. Never mind, the rulers’ medical interventions are directed at healthy people while the actual sick are being neglected.

COVID-19 case counts. It seemed silly, a year ago, to have to explain to public-health officials that a PCR test could not be used as a diagnostic tool. They could not have been ignorant of this. Never mind, even while they have now admitted that we were right, they continue to use it to pretend that there is a pandemic … exactly where they need one.

Virological fraud. When we showed them that the alleged virus had never been shown to exist, they were forced, thanks to FOI requests, to acknowledge the truth of our observation. Never mind, they carry on as if it does.

Variant madness. We explained that there can’t be a variant of a virus that doesn’t exist. If they can’t produce evidence of the virus, how can they talk of a variant? Never mind, they are predicting increasingly deadly variants.

Fraudulent vaccines. The entire vaccine rollout has been fraudulent. The trial data are obfuscatory. Even if you accept the available data as reported by the convicted serial felons that have marketed the vaccines, they have been tested to determine if they would lessen the mild symptoms of the virus that can’t be diagnosed, since it doesn’t exist. Never mind, they keep talking about vaccines as the only thing that will save us from a non-existent virus.

Vaccines, that the media cartel told you were necessary to stop the spread of the magic virus, make people ill or kill them. But the media rejects those facts as it invents others. Now, political and public-health officials are advising us that we’ll need constant boosters to maintain our status as free humans. And they are after the children. Never mind, people have been complying.

In preparation for the takeover, the WHO changed the definition of a pandemic to exclude increased mortality. It also changed the meaning of herd immunity, which now can only be achieved through vaccinating an entire population against a virus that doesn’t exist using a vaccine that can’t stop symptoms. Never mind, the rulers in Covidland had read their Lewis Carroll: “’When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more not less.’”

We are in Covidland now.

Covidland, like Wonderland, is where we proceed on the basis of invalid conclusions based on facts not in evidence. The strength of Covidland is that there is no way to argue against it. The rules of logic don’t apply.

You know you’re in Covidland when they lead with their lies. When politicians and public-health officials hold a press conference to announce their concerns about the rise in the Delta variant – always in a province (or state) where the premier (or governor) seems to be trying to resist the pressure of the rulers – you know that the cause is lost. When you know that the public-health official cannot but be aware that the PCR results are fraudulent and completely, absolutely, unequivocally meaningless, how do you proceed?

You can’t win on logic. Or the facts.

In Covidland, everything is inverted. Slavery is Freedom. Sickness is Health. Isolation is Togetherness. Science is Doctrine. Curiosity is Terrorism. Obedience is Liberating. Independence is Pathological.

So, that’s where we are. In my estimation, we need to continue to demonstrate the obvious lies and deceits of the rulers and their collaborators. Everywhere possible. In all ways possible. But we aren’t trying to win an argument. You cannot win an argument with a psychopath. It’s not possible because the facts are invented and the logic inverted. Instead, you are speaking to the proles. You are addressing people who could wake up someday. If that seems a stretch, then you are simply stating the truth. And that was Winston Smith’s great triumph. He stayed sane by knowing where the truth was.