Today, Ontario is dropping mask mandates in most settings. The government says that all mask mandates will end next month. (There’s an election scheduled for June.) So, what can we expect?

Yesterday, a teacher of little kids told me what she was anticipating. Clearly, she was apprehensive. There’s going to be even more pressure now, she said. Until now, the mandates meant that everyone – students and teachers – had to wear face masks, like it or not. Now, she says that they’ve been told masks are highly recommended, but not mandatory. She doesn’t want to wear a mask. She hopes that the kids won’t wear masks. But there are the keeners. And worse: the mask Nazis. She dreads having to work in an environment where those types will be judging, frowning, scowling, and pressuring those who choose to not wear masks. Are we entering the next phase of medical tyranny: having laid the foundation, is the government now handing the baton to the bullies to carry forward Operation Covid? Even if that isn’t the goal of the government, will that be the consequence of two years of nonsensical, arbitrary, anti-scientific, capricious mandates? We’ll soon see.

Don’t forget that the Ontario government is still going full-steam ahead with vaccinations. So, the suckers who’ve already given their arms to the government and Pfizer are still being seduced. And they’re handing over their kids. It’s painful. More about this later in the post.

This teacher told me that she knows that there is no scientific basis for wearing face masks. Even if you don’t research the issue deeply, the evidence is all around us every day. The more people wear masks, the higher the case numbers. She is aware that face masks cause a number of medical problems for the wearer. Predictably, the school principal, a real keener who makes sure that every covid protocol is followed to the letter (face masks properly worn, sanitizing everything in sight, social distancing, daily health checks, isolation of the “infected”), just came down with “covid.” (She was bound to, wasn’t she? She probably tests herself every half hour.) Neither face masks nor vaccinations stop transmission or infection, if indeed anything is being transmitted. The teacher also knows the PCR “test” gives meaningless results. So, the claim that the principal had covid is itself meaningless.

So, what’s the problem? Why isn’t she relieved that we’re now mask-free? Because she says she doesn’t want to be ostracized for not wearing a mask. She knows what’s coming: the “moral” teachers will continue to wear their masks. The “responsible” parents will make sure their children cover their faces. None of this has anything to do with health or science. It’s about virtue signalling, social positioning. It’s about coercing people into adopting a destructive behaviour. If you want to avoid being judged negatively, you’ll need to wear a mask and carry on with all the other nonsense. (Isn’t that what the new buzzword – mass formation – is all about? Doing whatever is required to belong, to get along, to avoid censure.)

Sure enough, there was an article on the front page of the Toronto Star today about a teacher of grades one and two who had come to the decision that she would continue to wear a mask until the last child in the class removed her mask. This is presented as a selfless act of solidarity on the part of the teacher. She doesn’t want the masked child to feel isolated and alone. I don’t know why she isn’t worried about the scenario where only one child chooses to not wear a mask. Does that child not merit support? If it’s just a question of supporting children in their choice (their parents’ choice) and helping them feel at ease with it, then why has she taken a side? It’s not about science or health for her. Neither is it a question of logic. She is presented as noble, compassionate. The Toronto Star has been the most propagandistic rag imaginable for the last two years. Obviously, their propagandists (social psychologists) are still hard at work as the mandates are eased, perhaps temporarily. Or maybe we’re heading into a new phase of the Great Reset. Maybe Operation Covid will fade as more emergencies cause new fears to emerge.


As I continue this post, I have just returned from my morning walk with my dog. A class of kids from the neighbourood school were out in the park with their two teachers. About twenty-five kids. I didn’t see one mask among them. I was so relieved to see that! Is that the way it is everywhere? Is this telling me that parents and teachers have not entered the covid cult but have merely put up with it until now? Again, time will tell.

Once again, I’m calling for a Royal Commission into COVID-19. I wish that others would see it as a necessary step forward. We have a minority federal government. That means that we have leverage to establish such a commission.