This is a quick review of just a few of the indications that Operation Covid has never had anything to do with public health. It is a global takeover by a dictatorial class. We are very close to totalitarianism on a global scale. Before my posts return to studying the state of that death march, I want to remind myself and others where we have been. This review could be far more comprehensive, but what’s the point? Once you know that Operation Covid is a smokescreen, it’s time to move on and refuse all cooperation.

One notable phenomenon is that the representatives of the globalist conspirators – embedded in our governments and public-health agencies as well as all the cartels that control our lives – have paid no attention to any of these issues. They haven’t responded cogently to any actual objection, no matter how incontestable. They just keep going, imposing their will as though we are of no importance.


In the summer of 2020, we saw the first mask mandates. They made no sense. There was no science to support the wearing of masks to stop the transmission of viral particles said to be the cause of certain diseases. There was, on the other hand, evidence that the wearing of masks could cause, and was causing, many conditions dangerous to our health. I wrote detailed letters to all legislators responsible for the local mask mandates, explaining the science. The responses made my heart sink. It was clear that science, logic, and the health and welfare of the public had nothing to do with the imposition of mandates. Worse, the city councillors and mayor were encouraging businesses to impose harsher measures than were allowed by the law they themselves had passed, which at least acknowledged constitutional rights. In my heart, I immediately knew that they had submitted to an outside authority and were not acting as free, rational agents. That was my first real feeling of doom.

The masks are coming back with a vengeance. The science and logic haven’t changed. The masks are a threat to human health and fundamentally unlawful and unconstitutional. But they are now serving a psychological purpose. Whether the conspirators intended this from the start, I don’t know, but it is what has happened nonetheless. Masks are being more strictly enforced by business owners. More disturbing are the people who are now wearing them voluntarily, when there is no compulsion. These are people who have submitted to this dictatorship. They have given up in the face of illogical and capricious mandates and diktats. They have chosen to enter the Corona Cult. The face mask is their sign of membership and belonging. When they wear it, they are telling each other that they are members, under the beneficent rule of the Cult leaders. “Science,” by which they mean obedience, is now their mantra. Ignorance is Strength.

They belong to the Corona Cult. What kind of comfort that can bring them I can only imagine. There is fear in their eyes. But, think about this: what does it mean when the cult is hegemonic? A cult is usually counter-cultural. It is a group apart from society, protecting itself from outside intrusions. In this case, the Corona Cult is society and rational people are being cast out; we are outcasts. Imagine that, all of a sudden, Flat Earthers took over and the few of us who dared present the science demonstrating a spherical, rotating earth revolving around the sun were cowed into silence.


The PCR tests were a fraud. Every thinking person who had taken the time to study the issue understood that they were absolutely useless in identifying a virus, SARS-CoV-2, said to be the causative agent of a new disease called COVID-19. They were, however, easy to manipulate to offer whatever results – number of cases – the political authorities wanted. That was their sole purpose. The politicians stopped responding to me, beyond saying they would respond to me at some point … a point that never came. A positive PCR test became a case.

So, what was the purpose of the fraudulent “COVID” case count? The conspirators invented a new phenomenon called asymptomatic transmission, never before imagined by health proponents. It turns out that perfectly healthy people can spread disease to others merely by breathing. And so they could be ordered into quarantine. They called it self-isolation, rather than quarantine, possibly because the United States Supreme Court had ruled over a century ago that quarantines could not be imposed on healthy people. It seems an obvious ruling, given the potential for abuse of such a measure. The invention of asymptomatic transmission meant that healthy people could be categorized as unhealthy and a threat to others whenever the state decreed. Healthy people were sick. Orwell forgot that one: Health is Disease.


Until 2009, the WHO defined an influenza pandemic as the result of the appearance of a new virus “against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses.” The WHO changed the definition in the months leading up to the swine flu pandemic to read simply “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.” By removing the criteria of severity and high mortality, the way was clear to name swine flu (never isolated and probably the consequence of industrial pollution in Mexico) a pandemic, which triggered a number of national vaccine contracts with pharmaceuticals. (See this for a discussion of these WHO redefinitions.)

Inside of the Germ-Theory construct, vaccines have been defined, by Merriam-Webster, for instance, as “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms or living fully virulent organisms that [are] administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.” Since the roll out of the covid vaccines, Merriam-Webster changed the definition of vaccine to include “a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein).” Why did the dictionary definition change?

The covid “vaccines” were developed and patented as “gene therapy,” not vaccines. They, according to the theory, trick human cells into manufacturing part of the (synthetic, computer-generated and not occurring in nature) spike protein constituent of the (synthetic, computer-generated, and not occurring in nature) SARS-CoV-2 virus. David E Martin has shown that Moderna’s patent filings clearly refer to the technology as gene therapy intended for the treatment of cancer (and not vaccines). However, by authorizing them as “vaccines,” rather than experimental prophylactic genetic chemotherapy – which they are – the manufacturers and the FDA have been able to mislead the public. Merriam-Webster was clearly brought on board to give them a weak justification for labelling gene therapies as vaccines. In fact, vaccines are not classified as drugs, where they could be regulated accordingly, but biologics: a distinct category invented to allow manufacturers to evade liability for vaccines under FDA guidelines. If these covid shots had been honestly marketed as gene therapies, then the manufacturers would not have the shield of protection that vaccines are given.

Martin argues that the logic behind this machination is obvious. If the vaccines were marketed honestly, as prophylactic cancer treatments, who would take them? But they don’t even make sense as a treatment for a virus that doesn’t exist in nature, but in a computer. If they do what the manufacturers claim – trick your cells to produce a protein – then what is the point? When do they stop screwing with your cells? Why would any sane person want to start manipulating his cell machinery?

What do we learn from this collaboration between Merriam-Webster, the vaccine manufacturers, and the FDA? I see Winston Smith sitting at his workplace in the Ministry of Truth as a cylinder appears with instructions to “correct” the definition of vaccine to include gene-therapy treatments. It goes without saying that vaccines have always included gene-therapy treatments and to believe otherwise is a thoughtcrime. We keep getting evidence of the breadth and depth of the conspirators’ reach. And, with each new assault, we see people around us mastering doublethink, living in a perpetual present, waiting for more violence to be done to the past and their intelligence. We are seeing people around us turn into mush, both morally and intellectually.


In June 2020, the WHO defined herd immunity as “the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.” That definition is in line with Germ Theory, to which I do not personally adhere. However, the Western medical establishment has accepted that definition for several generations.

In October 2020, as the covid vaccines were about to be rolled out, the WHO changed its definition of herd immunity to read

‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.

Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease but – crucially – vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing it on, breaking any chains of transmission.

While I am not persuaded by either definition, it is clear that the WHO was preparing the terrain for the vaccine roll out. We now know that the goal of the globalist conspirators is to vaccinate every person on earth. Strangely, they will have to call on the Ministry of Truth once again to alter the claim that “vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing it on, breaking any chains of transmission.” But, then again, we know that it’s not a vaccine anyway. No matter which path you take on the COVID labyrinth, you wind up going around in circles until exhaustion.


There is no actual pandemic. All of the relevant definitions and protocols have been changed as required to create the illusion of a pandemic and instill fear in the public. The past is being obliterated through the manipulation of language. We are living in a perpetual present.

Why would the globalist conspirators have chosen virology as the first wave in their global takeover? The Germ Theory is the cornerstone of allopathic – Western pharmaceutical – medicine. For the last century, it has become the hegemonic medical model in the West. The covid phenomenon is the culmination of that process. The Germ Theory assures people, from birth, that they are vulnerable to natural infections (viruses, bacteria, fungi) and must rely on the medical profession. The treatments are expensive and result in long-term dependency. The medical profession has made fortunes for capitalists. But it has done far more than peddle drugs for the pharmaceuticals. Doctors have run shotgun for the chemical industry, agribusiness, cigarettes, telecommunications, and other industries. By systematically denying the harms caused by chemicals (DDT, glyphosate), smoking, EMFs, GMOs, and vaccines, doctors have been key foot soldiers across the economy. (Not all doctors, of course, but the profession.)

In return, doctors – the middlemen of the pharmaceutical industry – have been glorified in the culture. They have also been well compensated as long as they support industry leaders. Movies, television, literature, media, and academia have all lionized doctors. Now, the bosses are calling in their chits. It’s like that scene in the godfather where Don Corleone tells the mortician that he will grant his request, but that someday – and that day may never come – he may require something (unspecified) in return.


At present, Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Jon Rappaport, Sam Bailey, among others, are arguing the case for Terrain Theory. They are envisioning a true Great Reset that could grow from this crisis, manufactured and imposed by the globalists who rely on Germ Theory to instill fear and paranoia towards the natural world. It is liberating to accept that nature is not out to get you, but is part of us. We are nature and nature is us. Partners. That’s a truly comforting knowledge.

The work of Stephan Lanka is especially important in demonstrating that the virus called SARA-CoV-2 has never been demonstrated to exist. It’s all virology smoke and mirrors. In fact, no virus has ever been shown to exist.

I discovered Terrain Theory on my own. Starting in my later teen years, I used to come down with a terrible case of strep throat approximately annually. My family would insist that I go to the doctor. (I came to ridicule that expression – “the doctor” – who was non-specific. Not a doctor, but the doctor. It was accurate, since they were interchangeable.) They always prescribed the same thing: antibiotics to kill the streptococcal bacteria. I always took the full course of antibiotics and was healed. But then, a year later, exactly the same strep would return and lay me out flat. Back to the doctor, back on antibiotics. That went on until I was twenty-eight. That time, I decided to forget the doctor and just ride it out. It might have been a bit more severe, but I recovered as I always did. Then years went by. Then decades. I never got strep throat again.

As I have come to understand, my body is infinitely more intelligent that all the allopathic doctors in the world. Than all artificial intelligence. It knows how to heal me. It only asks that I not interfere, as the doctors were doing. I suspect that my bacterial partners were trying to break down and expel toxins. (Those toxins may well have derived from the mercury that dentists had used to fill my tooth cavities in my childhood.) But the doctors, indoctrinated into Germ Theory, killed the bacteria that were trying to heal me. My body wouldn’t give up and would mount another attempt to detoxify me after a number of months. Each time, doctors thwarted by body’s innate ability to heal.

I think it’s time for a Great Reset, but not the one that the globalist conspirators are pushing.