It’s not simply about reducing carbon emissions, rather, it’s that an incomprehensibly complex system has been reduced to carbon emissions. Why is that?
Here is the narrative: The climate is changing. The world is getting warmer as a result of peoplekind‘s carbon-dioxide emissions. We (all humans) are in this together, because the problem is planetary in scope. We need to keep the atmospheric carbon-dioxide level to 1.5 parts per million. Then, we’ll be okay. So, it falls on you to reduce your carbon footprint. Stop emitting so much carbon dioxide.
This is a very useful narrative if your goal is to control all people. Once people are fitted with their digital passport (currently called a vaccine passport), then their every action can be monitored. In fact, every internal event – body and mind – will also be captured. This will require the smart grid currently being rolled out as 5G technology. Wuhan, China, was the first city to fully activate its 5G grid at the end of 2019, exactly when and where the covid pandemic is said to have begun.
The people who have been appointed to save the planet from climate change are currently meeting in Edinburg, Scotland. They are setting emission targets and allocating tens of trillions of dollars for the coming green economy. Here are a couple of suggestions.
I have a neighbour who is in the 5G business. He’s a hardware specialist and is installing 5G infrastructure here in Canada. He questions my hypothesis that the covid vaccines are preparing us to be integrated into the Internet of Bodies (Internet of Everything, really) through the 5G network. He says that the 5G network simply can’t be realized. The energy it would require is enormous and prohibitive. That’s his judgement from the inside of the industry.
If he’s right, we have a conundrum. The network that they are planning to install everywhere in order to surveil our energy output as we go about our daily lives would be unnecessary if it (the network) didn’t exist. The surveillance regime creates the need for its existence. Or, at least, a significant part of that need, depending on just how much energy it consumes. So, let’s consider nixing the 5G network altogether. Since the crisis is so dangerous, with the existence of peoplekind in the balance, it would seem a sane compromise. After all, it’s being promoted as a means to download films and sporting events faster. Couldn’t people who want to save the planet forgo that inconvenience?
I have one other suggestion. Why don’t all the participants at the conference fly their private jets down to Devon to visit the forest garden that Martin Crawford has been nurturing for decades. I know that Jeff Bezos might take a little longer to get down to the south of England, since he arrived in Edinburg by helicopter, from his yacht. But, since he now owns 420,000 acres of arable land in the United States, he could learn how actual, regenerative farming works. Crawford could teach them all how the carbon cycle actually works. (I don’t understand how Bezos is going to be able to cultivate 420,000 acres – with all his other commitments – when Crawford has spent decades nurturing just five acres.) How, for instance, perennial polyculture or permaculture works to sequester carbon in the soil (carbon being the basis of living soil and all life on Earth); how diversity depends on nurturing living soil; how birds, insects, mammals, and amphibians all come back to environments where the human element is limited to understanding the web of life and guiding it. Crawford has found over the years that the more humans do to thwart what Nature wants to do, the less productive the land. For instance, England wants to be a forest and it takes tremendous amounts of energy to hold Nature back. Why not live in harmony with our environmental conditions?
I have been practising and studying regenerative, perennial polyculture for a decade. I think those of us who have truly understood these concepts see through the fraud of the green new deal, the World Economic Forum’s commitment to a healthy planet, and the United Nations‘ sincerity in mobilizing money for climate action. Transnational corporations are not going to create a world I want to live in. I want to live a healthy life on a healthy planet.
COP26 is sponsored by, among a few other transnational corporations, Unilever, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of ingestible products. They call themselves one of the world’s largest food manufacturers, but let’s get real.
Unilever is committed to transforming the world’s food systems (that they were instrumental in creating.) They want to transition to plant-based meat. No thanks. And they want all their ultra-processed food to be better for our health, based on their nutritional science, which I reject wholeheartedly.
Unilever’s flagship product is Hellman’s salad dressing. It’s main ingredient is soybean oil, a polyunsaturated fatty acid. It is not food, but an industrial product that was sold to the public because it was easy and cheap to manufacture. It’s fraud. It’s very bad for your health
Unilever is part of a cartel of industrial, chemical farming corporations that want total control of the world’s food supply. But they don’t offer you food. They manufacture ingestible stuff: Stuff that you can ingest that doesn’t make you healthy and well, but that will lead to chronic health problems. They claim that they are creating ingestible products (that they call foods) that are low in calories. That is nonsense. When my mother tells me that she’s purchased something that is low in calories, my response is, “Well, if you don’t need calories, why are you eating?” Low fat (which you need for health – as long as it’s saturated, which Unilever rejects), low salt (which all humans need for health), and low cal (just stupid.)
Their farming practices – in common with all corporate, chemical, industrial agricultural firms – destroy the life and health of the soil. In doing so, the carbon cycle is interrupted. All life, all diversity is threatened. What then? Call on Bill Gates and Elon Musk to geoengineer the planet. There will be profits to be made.
Anyway, those guys are determining your future in Edinburg this week.