One of the most frightening things about Gluboco Lietuva’s series of tweets last week is that you can still read them. And you should. Instead of reading this post, go and spend some time dwelling on his family’s experiences in Lithuania. He shows us how it took only six weeks to turn Lithuania into a full-on regime of control, based on the segregation and exclusion of the unvaccinated.
That’s how long it took to transform Lithuania into a nation where the individual has no rights, no freedom. An inversion of freedom, he says. In free Lithuania, you could do whatever you wanted unless it was prohibited by law. Now, you can do nothing unless the state permits it. An inversion of universal rights.
I fear that this post is more of a lament than a warning. I think, here in Canada, we’ve already lost. The conspirators don’t care if you do read his tweets, because they know they’ve won. That’s why I say the most disturbing part of this story is that you can read it.
That realization was brought home to me when my mother said, “That wouldn’t happen here.” It already has, of course. It already has happened here. We’re a few weeks away from Lithuania. I’m out of exclamation marks. That’s what happens when you pass from outrage to lamentation. You lament something that’s already gone.
Here’s a brief summary of his story.
The Covid Pass is called the “Opportunity Pass” in Lithuania, colloquially known as the GP, the acronym in Lithuanian. With the GP, you can participate in society. Without the GP, your rights are severely limited.
Lietuva and his wife don’t have a GP; they refuse to submit to the authoritarians of the new regime. So, they both lost their jobs and have been banished from most of society. They are allowed to enter only small shops with street entrances that sell essential goods: food, pharmaceutical and optical products, farm and pet goods. All other stores are required by law to ban people without a GP. All shopping centres must ban those without the pass. Machines have been installed everywhere to scan the GP on your smart phone. Clothing is not essential, so Lietuva and his wife cannot buy clothes for themselves and their children. They are now banned from the library. They cannot buy sports equipment, crafts and art supplies, books, religious goods. They cannot go to the barber or hair dresser. Lietuva cannot receive repair services that last longer than fifteen minutes. However, one shop allows you to register by phone and they will collect your iPhone in need of repairs outside the entrance. Second-hand stores are not exempt. No pass, no entrance. They cannot visit patients in medical or long-term care facilities. Government in-person services are not available to people without the GP. Banks and insurance companies are off-limits except for essential services that can be completed inside of the magic fifteen minutes. All restaurants, bars, and cafés require the GP.
Guards are placed at the entrances of stores to check that your GP matches your identification. If you are caught using somebody else’s GP, you are heavily fined and the police issue a press release to shame you. Enforcement of the GP measures is strict. Lietuva says that virtually every business complies. As the GP has become normalized, the bureaucracy has grown and already is entrenched.
How did this totalitarian state come into being? In May of 2021, the Opportunity Pass was introduced as a temporary measure to “facilitate economic activity.” Like in Canada, this was an emergency measure to address the pandemic that nowhere has been demonstrated to exist in reality. In August of 2021, that termporary measure became permanent.
Lietuva says that the GP does not ban specific activities. Instead, it bans unvaccinated people from participating. So, a human being begins with no rights. Zero. The state then grants you rights as it chooses, but the rules are petty and capricious. For instance, Lietuva and his wife were first allowed to buy food in small shops. However, a couple of weeks ago, the bureaucrats decreed that small stores were allowed only one customer per thirty metres squared … unless they allowed only people with the GP. So, the stores acquiesced in order to stay in business. Now, Lietuva and others refusing the vaccine and GP can shop for food only at outdoor markets. As winter approaches. Anyway, the bureaucrats can shut down the outdoor markets anytime they want.
This month, October, booster shots were mandated for all adults. The European Union is strongly hinting that fourth and fifth booster shots will be required. The GP must be renewed every sixty days. So, my guess is that we can expect booster shots to be on the menu every sixty days.
This makes sense to me. What’s in the shot? We know from the work of several universities and private labs that there is much that is still unidentified in the vials. But graphene oxide appears to be a constant throughout the different vaccine options. They have been planning “boosters” all along, because the vaccines have absolutely nothing to do with a non-existent virus causing a non-existent disease. They are turning you into transhuman things that can communicate with the Internet of Everything. And the biosensors that communicate to the Internet need to be replenished. By the time 5G and then 6G are in place, humans will be ready and accustomed to their required updates. Now, Lithuania has shown how easily people can be coerced into accepting anything in order to belong in society. They will give up their freedom in a matter of a few weeks to belong to the privileged caste.
As for Lietuva and his family, they are already outsiders. The free are excluded. The slaves, the sheep, have rights.
Lietuva writes, “We believe the vast majority of people everywhere would reject this world of control and coercion. But they don’t know it’s coming. They don’t know it’s the inevitable result of the Covid Pass. And they don’t know that they – we – all of us – must rise up now to stop it. Each country which imposes the Covid Pass is cited by other countries to justify their own regime. So the battle must be global as well. If the Covid Pass regime is allowed to grow somewhere, it will grow everywhere. And then it will be too entrenched to stop anywhere. … We believe that if enough people see the authoritarianism and segregation in our society, they will rise to block it in their society. And then we can join together, across all societies, to stop this madness everywhere before it’s too late for all of us.”
Maybe my lament is premature. I want to believe that the countries that haven’t given in can still fight back and refuse Covid Passes. But I don’t see it. Here in Canada, the people are giving in. I see evidence every day. Not only are they accepting enslavement, they seem to be proud of it. It is as though they are already jostling for the best positions in the coming totalitarian regime.
I want to encourage Lietuva and his family, to tell them to hang on because the rest of the world will refuse to collaborate. We will free them from their nightmare. My heart is in the fight, but I can’t find allies here.
It would be so easy. Everyone just needs to say no. To refuse to be enslaved.