The media cartel is floating the spectre of a new category of mental illness: a lack of trust in government. If they are preparing us for the next phase of global totalitarian rule, then we should witness all countries adopt this psychiatric condition among their diagnostic protocols, for it seems to be pervasive across borders. The main symptom at present is an unwillingness to accept an experimental medical intervention (vaccine) intended (according to the serial-convicted felon that – they say – developed it) to minimize mild symptoms caused by an as-yet-to-be identified virus. Media-cartel analysts are shaking their heads in despair at the inexplicable suspicions, skepticism, and cynicism that people are showing towards government. None of them seem to remember that forcing people to accept a medical intervention is a violation of the Nuremburg Code. Mandating them to participate in a medical experiment is a crime against humanity. That’s what our innocent governments are doing. Not only violating the rights of adults; they are now coming after the children. But, the conspirators are claiming that it’s the distrustful who need to be sanctioned. I pity tomorrow’s historians trying to make sense of this.

This isn’t a joke. They are laying the groundwork for martial law. The French national anthem, “La Marseillaise,” has been interpreted for centuries as a call to arms against tyrannical rule. It has been banned by governments several times throughout French history. Napoleon Bonaparte, for instance, banned it under the empire. You may recall how, in a memorable, emotional scene in Casablanca, it roused everybody at Rick’s to stand against the ruthless Nazis. It urges people to take up arms against tyranny. Form yourselves into battalions and fight the oppressors. I wonder if Macron will outlaw it. I would like to see it go global. I think it’s the best national anthem, but that just shows how mentally deranged I am.

So, the conspirators need to convince as many people as possible that distrust of the government is both a sickness and a form of sedition. According to the narrative you are being asked to accept, the nation is the government. Not the people. Not the place. Consequently, anyone who challenges the government is unpatriotic and, therefore, seditious. However, remember that the French gave up on the government of Louis XVI. They understood themselves to be his enemies.

The United States has made great strides towards planting this idea of domestic terrorists as a threat to the government through its focus on whatever happened on January 6 in Washington. At the time, and since, it has been portrayed as an insurrection, an unlawful attempt to take over government. So, the seeds have been planted, mostly by the media cartel. Be vigilant, Americans, because your democracy can be easily overturned by a bunch of violent malcontents, like those who refuse to believe the government that tells them that the vaccine is good for them and necessary for the country. Those are sick people, mentally ill.

There are several paths that this state of affairs is opening up. Natural law, constitutions, legislation, and justice are no longer recognized by governments that have assumed emergency powers. (Unless they are to their advantage.) That is a deeply ominous sign and corroborates the hypothesis that we are entering a new era of global totalitarian rule. Emergency powers are a short step away from martial law.

But, for the moment, we’re going to return to my hypothesis that the Pentagon is central to the slow-moving coup d’état. I argue that we are headed towards martial law in many countries. Aren’t you angry? I know I am. Wouldn’t you like to punch the tyrants that are threatening you and your family? I know I would. Wouldn’t you like to kick Bill Gates into next week? I would. Don’t you want to go and fight it out with the police, security guards, and military who are defending these outrages? I know I would.

What if that’s what they want? If the violent protests continue, then the military will have an excuse to declare martial law. That has effectively happened in several Australian states, notably Victoria. Any level of protest can be portrayed as sedition by an authoritarian leader like Dan Andrews. Rather than continue the farce of never-ending emergency rule, it could be more convenient to just declare martial law. Under martial law, we can put aside all pretense of constitutional and legal considerations until people forget there ever were such things. Meanwhile, it would put an end to these annoying court challenges. No courts, no court challenges.

Everyone who defends their inalienable rights and freedoms is thereby an enemy of the state. Why? Simply because our governments have positioned themselves against us. Whether we admit it or not, we are the enemies of these governments. Maybe we’d prefer not to be. But, it’s not our choice. Governments have made free humans their enemies. We may not want to admit that we have been positioned as freedom fighters. “Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons! Marchons! Qu’un sang inpur Abreuve nos sillons.”

That is one possible scenario, for which the groundwork has already been laid. But there are other potential scenarios in this chess game, depending on what people do, what biology does, and what the conspirators do.

What will happen over the coming months? Deaths are on the rise. Especially deaths due to abnormal clinical findings: unexplained deaths. Many think that they are going to rise precipitously as a direct consequence of the mass vaccination campaign. No matter what happens, the conspirators will blame the unvaccinated. Every vaccine-caused death will be attributed to covid. The conspirators know now that their arguments need not make any logical sense. They can just assert that they are following the science. That’s enough.

It looks like the medical cartel has consolidated its power over the hospitals. Thinking doctors and nurses have been purged. So, family members will be told that their loved ones died of covid, thanks to the selfish, mentally-ill people who refused to accept the vaccine. Many people will not be able to distinguish between being told that their family member died of covid from that person actually dying of covid. And, so, the media cartel will be there to interview a grieving relative blaming the unvaccinated. That has already started.

However, critical analysts will continue to make the connection between covid and the vaccine. If they don’t give in, we’re in for a global civil war. If they do give in, then it’s totalitarian rule.

Next, I’m going to begin a sustained look at DARPA, the Pentagon’s Department of Advanced Research Production Agency. I have already argued that America’s Department of Defense is at the centre of this global operation towards the implementation of a regime based on Artificial Intelligence throughout Western democracies. But it’s time to understand exactly what they’ve been doing for decades. What’s the connection with martial law? Well, the Pentagon is the hub. This is the culmination of the military-industrial complex.