The data compiled in the table below were taken from Worldometer on 2 May 2021. The data relating to Ontario were taken from Public Health Ontario’s website on the same day. I have chosen countries for comparison whose population approximates that of Ontario. However, the cases and deaths per million of the population are also given.

The countries represented are disparate geographically and diverse in racial and socio-economic conditions. It is clear that there is an extreme variation in covid outcomes among these countries. I will leave it to the readers to interpret the data. However, I will offer a couple of lines of inquiry.

countrypopulationcovid casescovid deathstotal testscases
Burundi11,890,7844,018690, 019330.5
Haiti11,402,52813, 09425460, 0851,13722

This review is addressed primarily to Lieutenant-Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell and Premier Doug Ford, who are responsible for forcibly confining Ontarians during this period of an alleged pandemic. Imprisonment and severe deprivation of physical liberty are recognized as crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court.

All public-health officials in Ontario, reviewing this chart, should be asking themselves myriad questions. Have public-health and political officials in Ontario contacted their homologues in Cambodia, Taiwan, Burundi, Benin, Rwanda, Haiti, Guinea, Somalia, Chad, Cambodia, and Senegal to determine why covid has not been an issue in those countries?

Many of these countries have sold hydroxychloroquine over the counter for decades. If you aren’t feeling well, you go to the local dispensary and buy a packet, just as Ontarians buy aspirin. But, in Ontario, you can’t get it. Your doctor would be putting their career on the line by prescribing it. The same is true for ivermectin. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have become politicized in Ontario. Quercetin is an alternative ionophore that is available over the counter in Ontario, but is hard to find. All three of these ionophores work to shuttle zinc into the cell. Zinc has antiviral properties. While ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are synthetic ionophores, quercetin is a natural compound. All three are inexpensive treatments for viral infections. Were they acknowledged to be effective treatments against covid-19, there would be no legal basis for a province-wide emergency order that allows for the administration and promotion of unapproved injections of experimental gene therapies, known as vaccines in the mainstream media. Knowledge of simple preventive measures like addressing vitamin D deficiency have also been aggressively suppressed in North America.

There seems to be a correlation between the number of tests administered in each country and the number of deaths attributed to covid-19. Is that a coincidence or is there a connection? What are the amplification rates of the PCR tests used in these countries? Are they consistent? In Ontario, a positive PCR test is used a key diagnostic tool. Since the tests are meaningless over a certain cycle threshold, it would be helpful to know how these tests are being used internationally. Do other countries test healthy people, as is the case in Ontario?

What are the differences in diagnostic protocols in these various countries? In Ontario, the list of covid-19 symptoms is so extensive that it’s difficult to evade a positive diagnosis if you aren’t feeling well for any reason.

How are death certificates handled in the various countries? Does a covid-19 diagnosis trump all other underlying conditions in each of these countries?

The world population increased by eighty million people in 2020, a rate consistent with previous years. Only by removing deaths from the definition of a global pandemic was the World Health Organization able to declare one in 2020. We can see from this country comparison that the world is not on the same page. Why is Ontario so out of line with the majority of the world?