There has been a spate of missing persons, assumed to be abductions. A top criminologist has claimed that the most likely suspect is sasquatch. Everyone has seen the 1967 footage of sasquatch running through a forest in Oregon. That’s who law-enforcement officers have been told to look for. The first success was when police entered the forest nearest the site of an abduction. There, after days of scouring the forest, they found tufts of black fur, a few bones, and a couple of teeth. They brought them back to the lab and experts assembled them where they would likely have gone were they from a sasquatch. Certainly, they had only a few bits of the creature. But, they had the picture of sasquatch above the table to guide them. Then, they filled in the rest of the ninety-nine percent of sasquatch, based on the picture, with plaster bones and fake fur. When they finished, they declared that they now had proof that sasquatch had indeed been abducting people. They published the picture of their ersatz sasquatch. Not surprisingly, it looked just like the image of the beast that we have all seen from the grainy home movie.

Since then, the media and government authorities have discussed nothing but the danger that sasquatch poses. They have ordered everybody to stay indoors until all sasquatches have been captured. If you need to go out, you must spray yourself with a special stinky concoction (that you can purchase) that repels sasquatch. Everyone is frightened. Parents keep their kids at home and douse them in sasquatch repellant. People are forfeiting their businesses and livelihoods until such time as sasquatches are eliminated.

All across the country, authorities have been looking in their local forests for signs of sasquatch. They all have the Wanted poster, so they know what they’re looking for. And they find evidence of sasquatch everywhere. All abductions, all missing persons, are now laid at the feet of sasquatch. In each case, the new sasquatch is a little different from the Wanted poster. Sometimes, the fur is a slightly different shade, the bones are a little bigger or smaller, the teeth more or less pointed. So, clearly, sasquatch has been evolving. There are many variants of sasquatch. Some of them seem to be more dangerous looking. Models show that there will be a huge increase in abductions, based on the new evidence. A massive, single-minded campaign to find all sasquatches is now underway. Everyone must be frightened until the authorities say the crisis is over. Most people are thankful that the authorities are keeping them safe.

The more that news stories focus on the dangers of sasquatch and the lurid details of the abductions that they have already carried out, the more the creature has taken over the imaginations of the general public. Now, people talk about sasquatch as though they knew it intimately. Entire industries have been created to address the problem of sasquatch. From time to time, someone asks what we actually know for sure about sasquatch. Others are worried about the effect that social isolation and fear, not to mention the stinky sasquatch repellent, might be having on the psychology of children. They are dismissed as sasquatch deniers. Anyone questioning the original grainy footage of sasquatch has their social-media accounts suspended. They are diagnosed as anti-social and delusional. Isolation camps have been built to keep them from contaminating the innocent who just want to capture sasquatch so that they can go back to their normal lives.

Sasquatch deniers have become more dangerous than sasquatch.


At the end of 2019 and in January of 2020, a few people died in Wuhan, China. There had not yet been AP reports of anything of concern coming out of China. But Chinese researchers sent a computer-generated model of a virus, that would be called SARS-CoV-2, to Christian Drosten and Victor Corman in Germany. (Drosten was the virologist who, in 2009, had attempted to defraud the WHO and European leaders into believing that the swine flu would ravage the world population unless everyone received a trial vaccine that turned out to destroy the health and lives of many people who received it. GlaxoSmithKline profited despite the fact that the British government had to pay sixty million pounds in compensation to brain-damaged victims of the vaccine. The only regret registered by the representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, including the WHO, is that certain bad actors interfered with the conspiracy before it could go further. In 2019, Doctor Marc Van Ranst regaled an audience of pharmaceutical insiders about his clever attempts to sell the “pandemic,” which he acknowledged was a scam, to the Belgian government and people. His playbook would be followed throughout 2020. In their arrogance, the pharmaceutical insiders posted that strategy publicly. Anyone can review it.)

Based on this computer model of an alleged virus generated by a computer, Christian Drosten and Victor Corman quickly devised a PCR assay capable of identifying it for diagnostic purposes. They sent their RT-PCR proposal to the WHO that then authorized it for use globally. In the article, published in January 2020 in the journal Eurosurveillance, that describes their proposed RT-PCR test, they acknowledge that their work was based on an imaginary virus: “We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.” (Drosten and Corman are connected to a biotech firm called BioNTech, which partnered with Pfizer to develop an experimental technique – deceptively called a vaccine – said to neutralize the theoretical virus by altering the real DNA of real people.) What could it mean to look for a computer-generated, theoretical virus in the sputum of real humans? Their work was never peer-reviewed and has been decimated by molecular biologists. Nevertheless, that early work by Drosten and Corman is the cornerstone upon which stands the entire structure of covidism: the delusion that justifies the take-over of the global political economy by a web of powerful interests as well as the collateral subjugation of the world’s population.

The fraudulent identification of the genetic code of SARS-CoV-2 is covidism’s original sin. There never was, and never has been, a virus isolated from people with an identifiable illness, now called covid19, then purified so that its genome could be sequenced, and, finally, shown to be the cause of the sickness. Several intrepid scientists and relentless researchers have proved, not only that virologists have not identified the alleged virus, but that the entire covid industry is fraudulent.

There are claims that certain research scientists have isolated and purified the alleged virus from the lung fluid of a sick or deceased person. However, the method section of their published work, always confirmed through correspondence with the authors, reveals a different story. Doctors Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan have reviewed and dismissed these claims. They explain that, rather than actually isolating and purifying a suspected pathogen and then showing it to be the cause of an illness:

Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

In each case where observers claim that researchers have isolated and sequenced the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the actual authors acknowledge, both in the method section of their published work and in correspondence, that they followed the procedures as described above by Kaufman and Cowan. A mixture of fragments of genetic material from unknown sources, taken from the fluid from one or several people, is cultured in starved cell lines (usually monkey kidney cells) and then the resulting disparate snippets of genetic code are fed into a computer that suggests how they might be sequenced into a genome. The computer fills in the parts that are missing.

Each time that this process is attempted from the sputum of new subjects assumed, baselessly, to be ill from the theoretical virus, the computer will compare the fragments of genetic code to the initial, computer-generated, imaginary genome, now universally accepted as the standard. It will always be different, because the new victim will have some fragments of genetic material that the initial patient didn’t have. At that point, a new variant of the alleged virus is announced. In fact, this methodology will find a new variant in every person, or thing, whose bodily fluids are sequenced and compared to the original sin that the Chinese researchers sent to Drosten and Corman.

The PCR “test” is based on that original sin. There is much talk about its false-positive rate and general unreliability. However, all such objections are moot because PCR is being used to look for something that has never been shown to exist. (Like sasquatch.) They are searching for snippets of genetic material whose origins are unknown. PCR, however, is the perfect tool for manipulating an ignorant and fearful public. As Kary Mullis warned, you can find anything you want to find with this manufacturing process (for it cannot be used as a test) by simply increasing or decreasing the amplification cycles. If the authorities want to claim that there is an outbreak, they simply increase the cycle threshold to forty cycles; if they want to relax restrictions and calm a restless population, they can lower the cycles to below twenty. To be clear, PCR, the “test,” does not look for a genome that would identify a species or an individual. It looks for small snippets of nucleotides whose origins are unknown. When used fraudulently as a test, malevolent actors claim that PCR has found SARS-CoV-2. It never did: it found a little piece of genetic code that could belong to all sorts of multicellular lifeforms.

It is difficult to believe that public-health officials and politicians cannot understand these basic precepts. If they do understand them, then they are actively participating in a fraud. If they don’t, they are incompetent. The media channels its audience into discussions of the transmission and virulence of the make-believe virus and the need for wearing masks, social distancing, isolation, and other lockdown orders. The media must know that those debates will go in circles until those posing honest questions are intellectually and morally exhausted, if not imprisoned. In entering into these discussions, you have already conceded too much. It would be like spending all your energy debating whether sasquatch are more repelled by the scent of garlic or lavender. Would it really matter what repels a make-believe animal? So, detailed arguments about how to interpret the trajectory of cases and deaths in relation to mask-wearing, social-distancing, lockdown orders, and treatment options are all irrelevant. The data that inform these debates are meaningless.

This is not to say that people haven’t been sick and haven’t died. It is to say that the causes of those illnesses have not been identified. The onus is on those who claim they know that covid19 has killed people all over the world to explain how they have come to that conclusion. (Influenza-like illnesses, universally diagnosed now as covid19, can be more or less effectively treated with different protocols. That is a separate question and would be relevant during any flu season.) When they reply simply that it’s obvious, there can be no further conversation until they grow up. And, if they inherit the earth, good luck to us all.

Much energy has been expended to keep the world’s population discussing a medical crisis that does not exist. Now, it is time to step out of the state of delusional psychosis and to understand what has been hiding behind the fraudulent pandemic. (Until someone can prove, at a bare minimum, that sasquatch exists.) After this initial post, we will be leaving covidland, the land of make believe, and probing the sources and potential consequences of covidism: the subversive transformation of the global political economy by a matrix of powerful interests.

If we were dealing with a virus thought to be a threat to the entire world, then it would make no sense that no one charged with coordinating a response would not have insisted that the virus be isolated and sequenced. That never happened. In fact, as shown above, it was “sequenced” before anyone could have imagined it to be a global threat. And a so-called vaccine was developed on the basis of that imaginary, computer-generated virus. (This does not augur well for any AI, computer-centered technocrats hoping to take over the programming of Gaia: the earth and its biosphere.) The so-called vaccines in emergency use presently have not been developed on the basis of an actual virus taken from a victim of the alleged illness, covid19. Instead, like everything associated with the phony pandemic, they are based on a computer’s guess of what the virus might be like.


The purpose of this first installment is to lay to rest any thought that the official covid19 narrative is valid. Once we have freed ourselves from the stranglehold of the power elite – who are clumsily, yet successfully, managing this takeover – we can explore what is really happening in the world and begin to theorize intelligently about where we’re going and who is driving.

That strategy leads us inevitably to conspiracy theorizing. As we will see, the powerful – those whose actions we’ll be studying in the installments to come – are frightened of conspiracy theorists. Only those who theorize about the conspiracy that the powerful are undertaking have a chance of resisting them. The powerful operate by not showing themselves and by not revealing their plans explicitly. A cornerstone of their playbook is to discredit in any and every way possible those who would expose them and those who might encourage their victims to defend themselves. As an example of the ruthlessness of the powerful, consider the plight of the most consequential truth-teller of our era: Julian Assange. The message to us is clear: keep your nose out of our business and accept whatever you’re told, no matter how ridiculous, no matter how humiliating. Sadly, it seems most people have submitted.

Now, we’re going to define some terms that we will help us to discuss what’s happening in the course of subsequent installments on Covid Make Believe.

First, we need to distinguish between the powerful and the power elite. The powerful are those who set the agenda. They chart the course and then give the power elite its marching orders. The power elite work for the powerful. They are charged with implementing the agenda. The power elite are the representatives we see. They are the journalists, academics, celebrities, and politicians. Their grants, status, and remuneration flow in direct proportion to the value of the service they render to the powerful. They may have little understanding of the agenda that they are working to implement. They may not see beyond their own field in which they work to please their superiors. As a case in point, consider Dolly Parton getting the vaccine and sharing the experience publicly: one of the most embarrassing of the many power-elite attempts to persuade us. Michelle and Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Jane Fonda, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Samuel L. Jackson, Arnold Schwazenegger, Isabella Rosselini, Jeff Goldblum, Christy Brinkley, Martha Stewart, Candace Bergen, Joan Collins, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ricky Gervais, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Tony Fauci, Boris Johnson, and many other frightened little rabbits (all power-elite types) have also made fools of themselves in the eyes of critical analysts. Members of the power-elite who can be persuaded to appear before the cameras promote the agenda of the powerful. That is one way to distinguish the powerful from the power-elite who work for them. The powerful never appear to promote their agenda; they use the power-elite who owe their careers and status to the powerful. That is why Joe Biden has been goading Donald Trump to be vaccinated publicly, which would place Trump in the company of sycophants to the powerful and undermine his reputation (an idle and most false imposition) as an independent actor.

There is another, indispensible, layer below them in this pecking order: the power-wannabees. They are all around us. They are the credulous majority. They volunteer their time and energy in the service of the powerful, without ever understanding the agenda. If the power-elite have been effective, the power-wannabees are on board. They are as dangerous as they are ignorant. They are the self-deputized keeners who enforce mask mandates and social distancing rules in public spaces. They repeat the propaganda they absorb from the power-elite and are incapable of critical thought. You can’t reason with them; they are unreasonable.


The purpose of this series of posts is to explore what in the world is happening. Here, at the end of this initial post, it should be clear that the narrative pushed by the power-elite is nonsense. Those of us who have come to that conclusion are now faced with a monumental challenge. We have to deal with the powerful, the power-elite, and – more immediately – the power-wannabees. We are in danger.

For the purposes of this exercise, choose one person. We all know somebody who fits the bill, so I’ll leave it up to you to bring somebody into focus as I continue. This person looks to the media for certainty. For the truth. This person relies on the media and the power-elite to provide, not only their facts, but also their arguments. The media is a one-stop shopping centre for all of their intellectual and moral needs. This person gravitates to those media outlets that comfort them. They are never in danger of confronting contradictory facts or arguments. The world is simple. So is the person we are imagining. Are you beginning to see this person?

This person is in a room. I would call it a prison, but they are happy there. It will become more and more clear why prison is the best analogy for this room. However, to be hopeful and generous, keep in mind that the Lady of Shallot risked her life – a price she willingly paid – to be free from her confinement in such a room.

The media that our subject chooses serves them well. Our subject has learned to trust that the media will never confuse them. The media never lets them down. Our subject is, effectively, an infant – self-infantilized – who will accept whatever facts or arguments are on offer. Our subject may be a strapping young man or a frail old woman; a lonely old man or a vibrant young woman.

In this room, there are many doors, but they are all closed. Inside the room, there is absolute certainty. A television plays the mainstream media all day long and msm newspapers appear every morning. For any and every question that our subject may have, there is a door that they can open onto a more complex understanding. And there are doors after that for any and every subsequent question. Each door opens onto all the questions that our subject can imagine. There is no end. Each door leads to an infinity of others. And each door, opened, brings with it more fresh air and a broader vista.

What is another way of discussing the mainstream media. There are many different terms, all of which are partially correct. The corporate media. The media cartel. The mainstream media. The power media. But let’s think about this media in terms of its effect. In that case, we can identify it wherever we find it.

We can imagine media that opens doors, that is responsive to questions, that looks for answers. This kind of media frees us from our ignorance, illusions, and misapprehensions. (It is the etymology of the word education: to lead out of ignorance.) On the other hand is the media that avoids questions. Most of all, it never questions itself. It won’t allow itself to be questioned. This is the media that locks the doors that would take us out of ignorance. You feel stifled. There’s no air in the room. It’s an intellectual prison. (This is induction: to lead into dogma.)

We can choose to remain in the room with the doors locked, never allowing a question to interrupt our certitude. Or we can acknowledge questions and begin to open doors. One thing to keep in mind is that those who choose the prison will not acknowledge that there are doors to open. And those who question the power-elite will not be able to see all of the doors. Taking the first step, opening the first door, is an act of courage and humility.

Categories: COVID-19